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Who we are...

RacingWhere is a karting oriented online community with the goal of providing a wealth of accurate track/event information for all types of kart racers (sprint, speedway, and roadrace). New karters are finding the site when they are searching for nearby races, and veteran karters are using the site to socialize with their karting friends and keep up with all the karting events and their personal racing schedules and results.

The four main elements to the site are:

  • Karting Tracks; complete with contact info, track maps and videos, and schedule information
  • Karting Series/Clubs; including contact info, mylaps link, forum links, and full series schedule
  • Karting Events; including information on members who are racing each event
  • Karting Community; a social networking system to let karters interact and post status/photos/videos

...and what we can do for you:

RacingWhere delivers our audience to your brand through these strategies:

  • Providing the most accurate karting track/series/schedule information on the net
  • Building a strong social community of karters from all over North America
  • Creating search optimized content containing critical key words, links, and popular topics
  • Engaging readers with content relevant to your company and brand message
  • Leveraging social media and other forums to further market the site and build the audience
RacingWhere is the place to reach karters with purchasing power from all over the country!

We are offering a limited number of banner ads at very competitive rates with a current introductory special.
Send us a note and we'll get back to you with a media package including program details and pricing.

Contact us today and let's work together to promote the great sport of karting!!

Richard Thoms, Owner
[email protected]

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